Since the internet era began, a whole new window has opened up. We are constantly bombarded by trends that don’t fit our lifestyles or budgets, but the empowering news is… you have the ultimate say in how to enhance your spaces. With this tool, I have delved deeply into people’s ways of living, and even though it’s messy, it is authentic.
The principle we get is that style isn’t necessarily a finished product. By contrast, it is constantly evolving, including myself, by starting a project that will embrace our spaces by using what we already have or by selecting better options for our environment and the living beings around us; understanding, therefore, enjoying our spaces comes from our fearless approach to disregarding unnecessary rules. Our style isn’t a trend; it’s a liberating journey guided by our needs, lifestyle, and what we want from ourselves. Style becomes flexible, opening up new possibilities and ideas.
I invite you all to make your household clutter liveable, to prioritize being yourselves, and to reconnect to your needs and philosophy of living. Your unique needs and values are at the heart of creating a space that truly reflects who you are.